What is the Benefit in Learning Your Temperament?
Although the Myers-Briggs system and Taylor-Johnson test both offer descriptive and helpful assessment, they offer no remedial help. Temperament Theory lends itself to effective change by ministry of the Holy Spirit by allowing Grace to transform weakness into strength.
Temperament is directed toward the inborn (not genetic) part of man that determines how he/she reacts to people, places, and things placed within us by God while we are in our mother’s womb. This temperament will remain with us throughout our lives. In short, it is how people interact with their environments and the world around them. Temperament pinpoints our perceHow we do (or do not) express this temperament can be affected by the following:
- Our upbringing (how we were raised as children)
- Our environment
- Our education and training
- By the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives
Temperament determines how we interact with our environment and the people around us. Temperament also determines our perception and understanding of ourselves and of the people who love us.
Sometimes a Mask
Sometimes a person can learn or select behavior that is very different from their inborn temperament. This mask hides the true temperament. As a result this person’s temperament needs are not met, and he/she feels stress and conflict.
Our Conflicts…
Every person is unique and has different temperament needs. When we attempt to get these needs met apart from our relationship with God, we have conflict in our lives. These conflicts are caused by:
- Trying to get our needs met apart from God’s plan for our lives.
- Not getting certain needs met because we are spending all our energy meeting some needs while ignoring others.
- Reacting in a negative (angry, frustrated) way to unmet temperament needs.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Every temperament has strengths and weaknesses. The description of your temperament will include strengths and weaknesses which are usually demonstrated in someone who had your temperament profile. This does not mean that you personally show these strengths and weaknesses in your individual, unique life. It does show you some of the areas of strengths that can be encouraged as well as some areas of weaknesses that you can be aware of.
Three Areas of Temperament
The three areas of temperament are as follows:
Inclusion – the need to establish and maintain a satisfactory relationship with people in the area of surface relationships, associations and socialization (parties, social gatherings, and people who come in and out of our lives every day).
How many people do I approach for socializing?
How many people do I want to approach me for socializing?
Control – the need to establish and maintain a satisfactory relationship with people in respect to issues of control and power.
How many people do I want to control?
How many people will I allow to control me?
Affection – the need to establish and maintain a satisfactory relationship with others in regard to love and affection (deep one-on-one relationships such as spouses, girlfriends or boyfriends, parents, children, and trusted friends).
How much love and affection do I express to others?
How much love and affection do I want expressed to me?
Arno Profile System
For more information on temperament therapy, please visit the Arno Profile System page.
If you would like to enroll in Creation Therapy or any other S.A.C.C. courses, you mail either email Dr. McCollum for information or visit the Education page and click on S.A.C.C. courses.
Supervision scheduled through Dr. McCollum and will be booked at the appropriate time during your studies.
If you would like to take Creation Therapy as an addition to utilize for personal study or teaching a class, please feel free to take the course without pursuing the certification courses as a Life Coach.
Email: [email protected]