Available Courses

NCCA LogoChristian Counseling

Looking to invest time in a Christian certification/license/degree?


Simply Christian Counseling & Training Center partners with a number of Universities and the National Christian Counseling Association to offer the accredited courses and certification programs. All NCCA courses are provided in written format (either textbooks or online) and are provided as independent home study (distance education).


Christian counseling courses through this Certified Academic Institution, in partnership with the National Christian Counseling Association and accredited partnering Colleges and Universities, will lead you toward certification, license, and/or degrees in biblical counseling.

The time element involved is approximately 40-50 clock hours per course. This depends on the candidate’s own personal academic skills and time allotted for study.

Final examinations are closed book and require a proctor to ensure the integrity of the training.


Payment for our programs can be made in one of the following three payment options:

  • Per course
  • Per phase
  • Per program

Payment for individual courses are to be paid in full prior to ordering the first course in the Program and Phase.


None of our participating universities require graduates to attend graduation ceremonies. However, ceremonies are conducted annually by most of these colleges. We strongly urge our graduates to contact these schools if they plan to attend their graduation ceremonies.